From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Exploring drag modes with audio regions

Exploring drag modes with audio regions - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Exploring drag modes with audio regions

- Being in control of region movement, is a valuable asset, if you want to be a master arranger in logic. In this movie, we'll explore some techniques for moving regions in the timeline. We have a few regions in the tambourine track here. There are a few ways to splice up a region. You can use the marquee tool, which is currently our alternate tool, and I can get there by, holding down the command button on my keyboard, and then I can drag a selection of the area I'd like to splice, and when I let go, I click one more time, and it makes a region. It splices the region, according to where the marquee was. So I'll do that one more time over here, so you can see, so command, drag, selection about where you want to splice it, and then click one more time, and it curves that as its own region. Now, another way to splice a region, is to position the play head, at the location you want to splice, let me zoom in a little bit here, you can type command T, and that'll splice the region, at the…
