From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Getting set up for Dolby Atmos

Getting set up for Dolby Atmos - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Getting set up for Dolby Atmos

- [Instructor] Let's open a new Logic project and configure it to mix in Dolby Atmos. So with Logic open like we have here, let's navigate to the new from template. Here I want to show you a few things. If you're curious to explore some already made Atmos mixes, you can check out the Lil Nas X spatial audio project. It's under demo projects, and here is a fully fledged spatial audio with Dolby Atmos mix that you can look at. I had this open in the previous movie. Isn't that cool? But I'll let you get in the weeds on your own there. Let me first show you how to start your own Atmos project. So to do that, we'll go back to new project, and here, we'll have to make sure a few things to make this a Dolby Atmos project. Number one, the sample rate has to be 48 kilohertz to be a Dolby Atmos project. Other sample rates won't work. Also, the frame rate must be 24 frames per second, so you want those two options to be selected as…
