From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Introducing Drum Synth and Step Sequencer

Introducing Drum Synth and Step Sequencer - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Introducing Drum Synth and Step Sequencer

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll explore a fast and easy-to-use way to get some awesome-sounding drum tones, built from synthesis, using the new drum synth instrument which comes with Logic version 10.5 and later. Then, we'll introduce ourselves to another updated feature, the step sequencer. Let's start with the drum synth. So we've got our instrument track, and it's blank. It doesn't have a software instrument, but I'm going to load up the new drum synth instrument. And I'll just do a stereo version of it. And you can see right out the gate, it's set up to do a kick drum sound. Now, I love this drum synth, because I always find myself working in way more complex synthesizers, like Alchemy or Retro, to get drum sounds. And it takes a lot of doing to manipulate the parameters, like the amplitude envelopes and the filter envelopes, to get really good drum sounds. But here, they've kind of done a lot of that work for us and given us just the knobs we need to get awesome drum synth…
