From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Mapping controls for hands-on mixing

Mapping controls for hands-on mixing - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Mapping controls for hands-on mixing

- [Narrator] Previously in this course, we discussed using dedicated mixing control surfaces. If you're using one of those, and it's configured properly, you should already be enjoying hands-on mix controls. But even if you have just a simple MIDI keyboard, with some knobs on it, you can map those knobs to some of our mixing controls, like volume faders and pan, to help you mix in a hands-on way. Mapping any parameter to a MIDI controller in Logic is very simple and intuitive. For example, let's say we want to control the volume fader on the lead vocal track. All you need to do, is go down to the track inspector, or the channel strip, and click on the volume fader. Then type "Command + L" to learn that parameter. As you can see, it says "Waiting for incoming messages," and we get this pop-up window. Now, this is the expert view, we can also just go to the easy view, and it says it's "waiting for incoming messages," all we need to do is spin a knob, pretty much any knob, on our…
