From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Mastering quantization

Mastering quantization

- [Instructor] One of my favorite definitions of music is by a French avant-garde composer, Edgard Varese, who said, "Music is organized sound." Logic software instruments and your awesome recording techniques have the sound part covered. In this movie, we'll use quantization to deal with how those sound are organized in time. Quantization is the rhythmic adjustment of audio or midi events to a specific time grid. The first thing to know about quantization in Logic is that it's non-destructive. So no matter how you quantize, you can always get back to the original feel. Let's listen to this song we have here. (generic jazzy beat) Okay, the drums sound a little generic, very straight and drum machine like, and the bass is pretty off rhythm. We'll use region quantize first to fix the bass part. Region quantize can be done within the region inspector on the left-hand side of the screen. Going to close this groups inspector, and I want to open the region inspector. It's currently closed…
