From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Mastering with your output fader

Mastering with your output fader - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Mastering with your output fader

- [Instructor] It's common practice when mixing to do what's called master bus processing to put a final EQ in compressor, or even a limiter on the whole stereo mix. In this movie, will do just this as well as discuss some ways to self master your mix. On the output track, which I have here in the main window, and also the output channel strip, it's possible to put processing here which would affect all of the tracks in your mix. Let me pop over to the mix window to show you something. Here in the mix window, you've got all of your tracks and they're all routed to the output channel. Now to get this to pop up into your main window, you can right click on it and say create track. And that's exactly how I got it to show up here in my main window. And now that it's here, I can have it as a channel strip on the left here. Now as I said, if I put an EQ, for example if I click into here under audio effects or even the top where it says EQ, I can assign an equalizer that will then affect all…
