From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Outputting multitrack stems

Outputting multitrack stems - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Outputting multitrack stems

- [Instructor] And while we're on the topic of finalizing our mix, there might be something you want to include in addition to your flattened stereo output. And that's called track stems. Now, a lot of times these days there's a reason for having each individual track sent out as its own individual audio file. And this could be for various reasons, it might be for a film mix where the film mixer actually wants to have control over all of your tracks together 'cause maybe your stereo mix might be sent out to be in surround. There are various reasons why having stems are a good idea. So in this case, I want to show you how to send all of your tracks out as individual audio files but still include your automation and the plug-in processing on a track by track basis. So one step you can take before you get started here is to select all the tracks you want to include. So I'm going to click on the Sunset Kit, the top track, holding Shift all the way down to my last track, Tambourine…
