From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Performing with the iPad or iPhone

Performing with the iPad or iPhone - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Performing with the iPad or iPhone

- We've already explored the power of wireless playback control using the logic remote app for the iPad. In this movie, we'll check out how well the remote app works as a performance device. So here in this logic project, I've got three tracks loaded up, I've got an organ, a drum kit, and a guitar. Let's start with the organ. So with the tracks selected, I can tap on the upper left of the iPad. And here I can open the Smart Controls and keyboard view. As you can see, I've got my smart controls on the top, and I've got the keys for an organ down below, I can tap on my iPad to play these back. (Electric music playing) I can even make chords by using two or three fingers. And of course, I can control the draw bars up in the Smart Controls. (acoustic music playing) But there's also some other views available. And if you notice, there's the arpeggiation button so I can tap that. And then when I play a chord, I get an arpeggiation (arpeggio music playing) it's kind of cool. I can also…
