From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Useful and custom key commands

Useful and custom key commands - Logic Pro Tutorial

From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

Useful and custom key commands

- [Instructor] Logic is key command heaven. The only other tons of key command combos for almost every task. Logic is so flexible. It lets you make up your own customizable key commands and this moving into point out some useful ones and we'll learn how to customize them. First, let's look at some useful key commands. One that you always use is C to toggle cycle mode on and off. Another useful one is Z. This one lets you select a region and type Z to zoom way in. It's like track zoom. It pops it big, type Z to zoom way out. If you're into loops, you can open up the loop editor by typing O. One that I use often is X. If you type X, it opens up the mixer down in the bottom window pane. You can change your mixes and pans of all your tracks and type X to get out of it. In a similar fashion, if you want to quickly edit midi, select a midi region type E and you get your midi editor down here. You can go to the piano roll, edit your midi, type E and get out of that. So as you can see, there…
