From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Using the Arpeggiator

Using the Arpeggiator

- [Instructor] If you audition a lot of patches, you'll come across some that have some information in green in the MIDI effects part of the channel strip like where this transposer is in the lead synth track. In this movie, we'll explore another cool MIDI effect, the arpeggiator. MIDI effects look and act kind of like audio effect plugins but actually no audio passes through them they strictly alter and augment any incoming MIDI messages. Well, earlier versions of logic had the capacity to do this. Logic 10 is the first time we see MIDI effects used as inserts directly in a track and it's a big payoff. One of the cooler new MIDI effects to explore is the arpeggiator. Arpeggiators go back to the beginnings of electronic music and basically they provide a way to alter a group of notes held down as a chord into a rhythmic sequenced arpeggio of notes, according to a certain grid or timing. Let's make a new software instrument track and load the soft square lead patch. So I'm going to go…
