From the course: Logic Pro X Essential Training

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Using the Surround Panner

Using the Surround Panner

- [Narrator] In this movie we'll go into some techniques for panning with the Logic Surround Panner. Start by putting a track into surround. Right now all of the tracks are set to stereo output. Let's go up to the top track, Audio Two, and we'll go over to its channel strip, Output. So notice it's saying stereo out in the channel strip itself. Let's open this and lets go to Output and at the bottom we'll choose Surround Output. So now it can talk to our 5.1 Surround Setup. So notice I get a different looking panner here, it's kind of hard to see or deal with, but if I double click on it, it pops open a big version of the Surround Panner for that track. Now that's the only track in surround. Look all the other tracks just have left and right panners, but this one has the unique Surround Panner, which I'm looking at the interface for right here in this window. So in the Surround Panner we have some representations of our left, center, right, left surround, right surround and our LFE is…
