From the course: Machine Learning Foundations: Linear Algebra

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Coordinate system

Coordinate system

- Have you ever played chess or watch someone else played? If you have, then you know that a square board is divided into eight rows and eight columns. A coordinate for a space on a chessboard is a combination of a row and a column. I like to think of a Cartesian coordinate system as a chessboard, just like in chess where you can locate a figure by its combination of number one to eight for a row and later A to H for column. We can locate a point by its combination of numbers. Coordinate system is important because it describes where a certain position is located in a two-dimensional area. Coordinates have two numbers, the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate. The x-axis runs left and right and the y-axis runs up and down. The axes x and y meet at (0, 0) coordinate at the center that is called the origin. A point is denoted by its distance along the x-axis followed by its distance along the y-axis. If we want to represent…
