From the course: Managing Skills for Remote Leaders

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Developing trust with remote teams

Developing trust with remote teams

- Trust is the bridge that connects people and contributes to business success or failure. Your challenge leading in the virtual space is to build a bridge connecting people within a virtual environment. In this lesson, I want to share with you some ideas about how to build that bridge and create a trusting and safe work environment that feels authentic even when you're not connecting in person. First, I want you to think about the connection between trust, creativity and innovation. Trust is critical to encouraging creativity and innovation so people feel safe in taking some risks. As a virtual leader, you have two challenges to building trust. One, not being in the same room as your employees, and two, facing uncertain future. During times of change, you need every ounce of creativity and innovation possible for the survival of your business. For example, if your marketing director has some bold new ideas, make…
