From the course: Managing Skills for Remote Leaders

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Onboarding new remote hires

Onboarding new remote hires

- Remember your first day at a new job? You probably showed up at your new employer's building both excited and nervous. A manager or someone else met you and escorted you to your new office. Soon, you walked around the workspace and were introduced to coworkers. You may have received a plant for your office or an invitation out for lunch. Now think about starting the first day of remote work. There are no managers and no team members present to greet you. What a completely different experience. In this lesson, I will provide you with some strategies for effectively welcoming and connecting new hires who are starting remotely. First, making preparations for remote hires before they start is even more critical than new hires who start at a shared physical space. You, as a leader, must ensure that your employee will have everything they need to be successful starting from day one. That includes all the technology…
