From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Creating opportunities for in-person team interactions

Creating opportunities for in-person team interactions

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Creating opportunities for in-person team interactions

- I am a big fan of connecting to people via video chat, and over the years, I've used it to develop strong relationships with people worldwide, some of whom I have never yet met in the flesh. However, nothing strengthens a personal connection like interacting with someone physically, face-to-face in real life. I think this is just human nature for almost everybody. However good virtual presence is, physical presence is better. So, as you're managing your team of far-flung workers, keep an eye out for opportunities to bring everyone together. Now, once again, this won't apply to everyone and it won't necessarily be easy to pull off. One company I know of in the Portland, Oregon area has basically no in-house personnel other than admin staff. People are literally all over the world. One guy lives in Tahiti, one guy lives in Bend, Oregon six months of the year and lives the other six in Krakow, in Poland, and so on.…
