From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Developing team norms and working agreements

Developing team norms and working agreements

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Developing team norms and working agreements

- Now just because it's the manager's responsibility to make sure procedures and expectations are in place, that doesn't mean that they are the only ones developing them. In fact, it's critical that managers get the input of the team whenever they are standardizing process or setting goals. First of all, your team members are the experts at what it takes to get the job done. They're the ones who know what steps need to be taken and in what order, and they're the ones who know where the process can get bogged down. Maybe there's a spot where work has to pass through a gate that's controlled by someone outside the team. Maybe there's a manual process that ought to be automated, or information required that isn't provided through standard input forms that team members have to then go and research. Whatever the case, involving the team in setting up the process means everyone is invested in it and its success. I also…
