From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Fostering equality and transparency in a remote team

Fostering equality and transparency in a remote team

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Fostering equality and transparency in a remote team

- As I alluded to before with setting a team agreement, making sure that there's parody between the workers on the team is really important. If some people are getting special consideration or are not being held to the same levels of service, it's going to become common knowledge at some point and when it does, the rest of the team is going to be annoyed at best. I think a useful approach, other than just not playing favorites, is to be careful to share information openly amongst the entire team unless it needs to be confidential. There might actually be a very good reason why Jeanie needs to only work partial days for the next month. Maybe she's got some kind of family emergency or she's attending classes. Whatever the case, the fact that she's basically part-time for a while should be communicated to the entire team as soon as possible. Although depending on sensitivity, you might not share exactly why. But at least…
