From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Giving remote workers the tools to succeed

Giving remote workers the tools to succeed

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Giving remote workers the tools to succeed

- One of the challenges to a successful remote team is infrastructure. This has a few different aspects. First of all, who supplies your remote workers with the equipment that they use in performing their job? Your company probably provides computers for in-house workers, but do you supply them to your remote workers too? Carol's company ships every new remote worker a laptop. These machines are fairly bare bones. They're not super powerful, but they get the job done. Every few years, they get refreshed for newer versions. Chuck's company, on the other hand, expects developers to supply their own computers. Since it's a safe assumption that these people have fairly robust setups of their own, it makes more sense to do it this way. What both companies have is a minimum bandwidth requirement. It's pretty difficult to work remotely without a high-speed internet connection, isn't it? If you can't get fast enough service, you…
