From the course: Managing Virtual Teams
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Managing in a hybrid environment
From the course: Managing Virtual Teams
Managing in a hybrid environment
- I actually think that the mixed model where some team members are virtual and some are in-house is probably more prevalent. Even if remote workers greatly outnumber the co-located ones, there's often somebody in the office. Unfortunately, this can set up a little bit of a negative dynamic. In Carol's company, remote workers are valued. Many of them have been with the company for years. However, if you're interested in moving up, even to supervise other remote workers, guess what? You have to start working out of the office. The result of this policy is that there's a perception of favoritism towards in-house workers, that they're somehow more valuable than the remote team. This, in turn, creates some unnecessary us-versus-them tension in team interactions. So, how do you combat this? Well, for starters, I think you need to treat internal and remote employees equally as much as possible. They need the same benefits…
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