From the course: Managing Virtual Teams
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Nurturing relationships with virtual team members
From the course: Managing Virtual Teams
Nurturing relationships with virtual team members
- It's pretty much universally accepted wisdom that a strong team is more likely to be a high performing team. With a remote team, the ability to have team building experiences is small, so you have to use whatever you have. That's one of the reasons why I think regularly scheduled meetings matter so much. Even if there isn't a lot of business to discuss, every meeting is an opportunity to build connections between the members of the team. I think the manager should encourage team members to share information that may not be team related, other projects they're working on or non-work related personal topics. This allows team members to get a chance to know each other as people, not just cogs in the wheel. Knowing more about people creates the opportunity for more empathy, which will contribute to the spirit of the team as a community. Yeah, I know some of you were thinking, oh geez, Morty will go on for hours about his…
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