From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Prioritizing as a remote manager

Prioritizing as a remote manager

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Prioritizing as a remote manager

- I'm going to start with the good news. Study after study show that on the whole, remote workers are significantly more productive than their office bound colleagues and significantly more satisfied with their jobs as well. Don't just take my word for this. You can find a multitude of articles and studies backing this up. For instance, Stanford University did a two-year study that reached the same conclusion and you can read about it on Ink Magazine. Now, there are some caveats. First of all, not every job can be done remotely. Some work requires a physical presence. Sorry, but that's the reality. Manufacturing distribution and a lot of other jobs pretty much necessitate somebody being on site and some people don't flourish working remotely. Maybe they're distracted by their environment. Maybe they're not disciplined enough to effectively manage their time and efforts, or maybe they just really need the human interaction…
