From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Providing stability for your virtual team

Providing stability for your virtual team

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Providing stability for your virtual team

- The first goal of the remote manager is to build trust, not only between themselves and the individual workers, but between the remote workers on the team as well. So what does that look like? Well, I think a very important first element is making sure that there are well-documented procedures in place and that they are being consistently followed. How can a team have a solid basis for performance if the requirements of that performance haven't been defined? This is important for any team, but I think it's even more critical for remote groups. Since the individuals on the team may not interact with each other as frequently as a co-located team, there's a lot more opportunity for them to head off in different directions, unless there's a solid understanding upfront. For me, this is one of the manager's most important jobs. It is ultimately the manager's responsibility to make sure everyone on the team understands their role.…
