From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Resources to help you manage a virtual team

Resources to help you manage a virtual team

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Resources to help you manage a virtual team

- Okay, I'm about done here. During this course, we examined some of the unique challenges of working with a remote team and talked about ways of meeting those challenges. I started by defining what I think the four key points of a remote manager's role entails. Building trust, removing roadblocks, nurturing team connections and managing workload and deliverables. Building trust on the team and between the team members and the manager is an important factor in smoothing interactions between team members and improving overall communications. Provide consistency through team working agreements, promote equality and transparency and distribute authority wherever you can. Removing roadblocks focuses heavily on making sure your team members have what they need to do their jobs, whether that means hardware, services or access to company information but it also includes building cross-cultural and interpersonal awareness between…
