From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Rewarding individual and team wins

Rewarding individual and team wins

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Rewarding individual and team wins

- So, like I say, treat everyone equally until it's time to treat people special. No, I'm not contradicting myself. Sometimes, people will excel and when they do, you want to recognize that. But the key to this is in how you do it. When a team member has a victory, the whole team has won and the whole team should know who and why they're celebrating. Real-life example with names change to protect the innocents. Carol manages a team of two dozen document processors, only four of whom are in the New England office. The rest work remote, scattered throughout North America. She also manages another 10 people who work out of an office in Eastern Europe. Although their work is not connected to the work being done in the West. Carol's company has something called a High Five program. Processors who excel are nominated for the award, given a $25 gift card and entered into a monthly drawing for a bigger prize. What's important…
