From the course: Managing Virtual Teams
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Setting clear goals in a remote team
From the course: Managing Virtual Teams
Setting clear goals in a remote team
- In this last section of the course, I want to dive deeper into some specific actions that can have a major impact on team cohesion and performance. Thing number one I'd like to address is making sure that you set very clear goals and priorities for your team. Now, this is always important, of course, but I think it's even more so with a remote workforce. Probably the easiest way to achieve this is to make sure that you always communicate fully with the whole team what these priorities are. Use your regular meetings to recap frequently and give lots of opportunity for people to share any challenges. Now, you may be thinking that it's okay to communicate with smaller groups when the whole team isn't involved in a specific project or deliverable. I'd actually advise against that myself. I think it's better to share with the whole team for a couple of reasons. Reason one, it avoids creating subsets within the team. When having…
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