From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

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Using tools to foster virtual team collaboration

Using tools to foster virtual team collaboration

From the course: Managing Virtual Teams

Using tools to foster virtual team collaboration

- One more thing that I'm going to suggest for remote teams. I think it's very beneficial to have some sort of shared virtual whiteboard or other project tracking tool and to use it regularly. If you're familiar with lean or agile methodologies, you're probably also familiar with the idea of using a Kanban board. For those of you not familiar, I'll give you the official definition. "Kanban boards visually depict work "at various stages of a process "using cards to represent work items "and columns to represent each stage of the process. "Cards are moved from left to right to show progress "and to help coordinate teams performing the work." Now I think Kanbans are pretty useful in general since they give a great visual representation of the work being done. In a remote team, they're even more useful since team members may not have clear understanding of what other team members are doing. Even with regular meetings it's…
