From the course: Managing Your Anxiety While Presenting

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Don't memorize

Don't memorize

- Many nervous speakers memorize their content because they feel that if they have every word down, they'll feel less anxious. Unfortunately, I've got some bad news. Memorizing doesn't reduce anxiety, it only increases it. And here's why. When you have every word scripted and you try to say your script exactly the same way, you're putting a tremendous amount of pressure on yourself. You're investing very valuable, cognitive resources on focusing on evaluating am I saying it exactly the way I wrote it? Those precious resources could be and should be invested in other ways, like connecting with your audience, making sure that you're being engaging. So let's figure out a way to help ourselves feel more comfortable and confident without memorizing. And I'd like to suggest outlining is the key. When it comes to outlining, I'm not adverse to writing out your manuscript at first, especially if you're new to the content or…
