From the course: Microphone Techniques: Essentials

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Evaluating the Audix D6

Evaluating the Audix D6

- [Instructor] Here's the frequency response chart for an Audix D-6. Audix calls this their kick drum microphone, and when you look at the frequency response chart, it's completely different than anything else we've seen. It has a big bump in the high end here around five or six K, and it really carves out, it's not sensitive to these mid frequencies. With a kick drum, if you want to have a kick drum that sounds round and clean and full, you usually take out these frequencies right around 4 or 500 Hz. And also with a kick drum, you usually end up putting a little bit of a low frequency bump in just to give it some power in the low end. So this microphone does naturally what you would do with EQ if you had a flat responding microphone. If you were to take a microphone like one of the first microphones we looked at, you would have to create this kind of EQ curve using EQ which is really not always the best way to get a sound. You're really better off to use mic choice and mic technique…
