From the course: Microsoft Azure DevOps Engineer Expert (AZ-400) Cert Prep: 3 Manage Source Control by Microsoft Press

Learning objectives

Welcome to lesson Number 3: Manage Source Control. In this lesson, you'll learn about version control software and the different tools that you can use to host your code, as well as how to install and use git. We start by learning about version control software and the different repositories that we can use in Azure DevOps. You then learn how to create a repository in Azure DevOps in a hands-on lab. You then learn about how to install and use git, followed by a lab where you install git in your system and use some git commands. Next, you'll learn about different git workflows as well as the different types of tags and branches, followed by a lab where you will create multiple branches and use tags. You then learn how to create a pull request and set several branch policies to protect your branches. Followed by a lab where you will create pull requests and set multiple branch policies. You then learn about pull request strategies by reviewing the different types of git merge. Next, you create several pull requests to practice the different types of git merge and merge conflicts. You then learn about several advanced git features and best practices. Next, you practice and apply several git commands to apply best practices and maintain your repository in optimal condition. You then learn about GitHub codespaces and finally you review GitHub codespaces in a hands-on lab.
