From the course: Miss Excel’s Top Productivity Hacks

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Why you need absolute referencing

Why you need absolute referencing

- I'm here to show you one of the most common mistakes I see in Excel and how to avoid it. Let's get started. In this example, we're going to be demonstrating a common mistake I often see people make. And this is not utilizing absolute referencing. So let's take a look at what would in here if we do not use absolute referencing, and then we'll get into how to implement it. So taking a look here in our cell E2, we have an X look up function, that is essentially going in and looking up the word tape on our item list in column A, and it is returning the sale amount from column B into our cell. When I click enter, it pulls in that sale amount. Now, let's say we wanted to take this formula and drag it down so that it will also search for a laptop case. Watch what happens if we go to copy it down by clicking and dragging into cell E3, when I let go, you will see there is an error message. And this is a common mistake I see,…
