From the course: Music Studio Setup and Acoustics

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Acoustic panel placement

Acoustic panel placement

Before you can determine where to place the acoustic panels you have to determine how many of them you need. Ideally you'd like to cover about 50% of the untreated wall space outside the RFZ with sound panels. This can drop to 40% if it makes your material buying easier. Like if it's the difference between buying two or three packages of seven or three for example. That said don't go any lower than 40% coverage of the room. You should still be prepared to add more panels if you still don't feel the room sounds the way you'd like with the initial amount of coverage. Another way is to figure one panel for every four foot of wall length. In a very small room of a thousand cubic feet or less, you can't really have too much coverage, so the more, the merrier. Panels should be distributed evenly around the room, with the opposite wall offset so, the center of the panel is aimed at the space between the opposite panel. This prevents any possibility of flutter echo between parallel walls.
