From the course: Music Studio Setup and Acoustics

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Increasing your isolation by adding mass

Increasing your isolation by adding mass

From the course: Music Studio Setup and Acoustics

Increasing your isolation by adding mass

As stated in the previous movie, adding more mass increases your isolation. That's all well and good but how do we measure isolation in the first place? For that, we need to take a small detour into the world of sound transmission measurement to understand why some techniques work better than others. All materials have what's known as an STC rating, which stands for sound transmission class and is the measurement of material or partition's ability to block sound over a range of 16 different frequencies from 125 hertz to four kilohertz. The higher the STC rating, the more isolation it provides to certain frequencies. It should be noted that there is no single material that will block all frequencies. And that the STC measurements only go down to 125 hertz. Frequencies below 125 hertz, which are the ones that usually cause the problems with neighbors, are the most difficult to block. While the higher ones past one kilohertz are the easiest. When a material, wall or partition blocks the…
