From the course: Music Studio Setup and Acoustics

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The two basic isolation principles

The two basic isolation principles

From the course: Music Studio Setup and Acoustics

The two basic isolation principles

When building almost any kind of a home studio, the first question that the owner will ask is, how can I make sure that my neighbors can't hear us. There's really no secret to this one although everyone thinks that there is. All it think is adhering to the following principles during construction. Isolation principle number one, all it takes is mass. If you want to increase your isolation, you've got to increase the mass of the walls and ceiling of the structure that you're in. The more mass your walls have between you and your neighbors, the more you'll keep the outside sound from getting in and the inside sound from getting out. One of the ways that most pro studios accomplish sound proofing. Is by building a room within a room, which is done by putting the floor on springs or rubber and building double or triple walls with air spaces in between, on top. Needless to say this gets expensive and is impossible to do if you start out with a small space that's only ten foot by ten foot…
