From the course: MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications

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CakePHP app walkthrough

CakePHP app walkthrough

- [Instructor] Now that we have CakePHP installed on our system, let's take a look at what it's like to develop in the CakePHP environment. The first thing I want to look at is the command line interface. This is called Bake. So, it's located in the bin directory, so if we type in bin/cake, we can have commands after that. Now, there are a number of different things we have. If we type in Help, you can I see I have the Bake interface. I have some DebugKit interface, I have some Migrations, I have some core elements, and that's the server one that we used to start it, and I also have a Console. But Bake is what we use to create a lot of things when we're developing within this environment, so I wanted to take a look at that one first. Note that this is all in the bin directory, so if you wanted to add Cake's bin directory to your path, you could then just type in Cake at the command line, and it will work anywhere in your system. Let's go ahead and type in bin/cake bake, and then I'm…
