From the course: Nano Tips for Strategic Thinking with Lisa Bodell

Add subtraction into strategic planning

From the course: Nano Tips for Strategic Thinking with Lisa Bodell

Add subtraction into strategic planning

- You know, do your strategic plans get cluttered with too many tactics, and frankly, too many unrealistic commitments? If so, you're not alone. When you build a plan, it's easy to get things overloaded. Keep your strategy powerful, though, by practicing subtraction. Here's how you do it. For every new tactic or program that people suggest, remove one, because plans don't matter if we don't have time to achieve them. Subtraction forces us to really look at our total commitments and prioritize the ones that are really valuable to the business versus nice to have. It also ensures focus, and it prevents the accumulation of outdated or less effective initiatives we're too afraid to get rid of. By subtracting as you add, you're going to avoid the clutter that builds up, especially when we reuse last year's plans for this year. Simplify your strategy and keep your team focused on the impactful projects rather than all of them. Your plan is going to be more effective and you'll actually achieve your goals.
