From the course: Nano Tips for Strategic Thinking with Lisa Bodell

Conduct a decision-making audit

- Okay, moment of honesty. How easy is it really to make decisions in your organization? I think slow and confusing decision making holds us back from reaching our goals. And the good news is that stops now. You can get clarity around decisions by using the You, Me, We framework. Within your team, leaders should meet with each person and clearly outline the decisions you can make, I can make, and we have to make together. It's time to evaluate and simplify decision making by just clarifying who can make them. So for example, expenses under $100, you can make that call alone. Approving a project delay. I make that call. What about hiring a new candidate? We make that call together. You know, the simple framework clarifies responsibilities, the sets, boundaries. And frankly, it makes us feel safe to move faster because it takes away fear. Make a list of all the decisions involved in your role and have a conversation with your boss or your team to categorize these permissions. Conduct a detailed mapping and identify the bottlenecks so you can improve, simplify your decision making and accelerate your path to success with You, Me, We.
