From the course: Nano Tips for Strategic Thinking with Lisa Bodell

Hour a day keeps short-sightedness away

From the course: Nano Tips for Strategic Thinking with Lisa Bodell

Hour a day keeps short-sightedness away

- You know, when a person does the same thing 2 over and over again and expects a different outcome, 3 that's the definition of insanity. 4 But when a company does it, 5 it's called strategic planning. 6 The process of strategic planning every year 7 is time consuming and laborious. 8 Why? It's 'cause we haven't had enough time 9 to think about it. 10 How can we make strategic planning more impactful? 11 And how can we make strategic thinking a practice, 12 something that we do regularly 13 rather than a annual time sucking event? 14 Well, instead of scrambling to do a huge plan every year, 15 maybe we can change the process 16 and adjust our plans throughout the year 17 using the one-hour approach. 18 Here's how. 19 Invest in strategic planning 20 by consistently setting aside one hour 21 depending on your role in the organization. 22 So for example, executives, one hour a day. 23 That's 12% of their time for strategic direction. 24 Team leaders, one hour a week. 25 Just 3% of their time to take strategy into plans. 26 And individuals, one hour a month. 27 That's just 1% of your time to be engaged. 28 Regular strategic touchpoints take us out of tactics 29 and get us on track with long-term goals. 30 And it helps us address potential problems early 31 and proactively so we keep our edge. 32 It not only saves time, 33 but frankly it keeps our strategy relevant 34 and we can adapt to changes as they come at us. 35 Commit to regular strategic planning and thinking 36 with the one-hour approach 37 and watch your strategy and success grow.
