From the course: Nano Tips to Use AI to Be a More Effective Manager with Ashley Herd

Use AI for hacks in hiring

- Congratulations, you're hiring for your team, but as a manager, a hiring process can feel like another job on top of your existing job. How can you make it easier? Use ChatGPT. Go to ChatGPT now and use an example role on your team, especially if you have a current opening. Ask, what are questions I should ask candidates for a role of insert, I'm going to say IT support desk analyst. This can help you have some great questions in seconds. And as a next level, ask, what's information that I should proactively share with candidates about the job and organization? Hiring is a two-way street, and by not just asking candidates questions, but giving them information you can make sure that the candidate you think is best for the job also thinks that the job is best for them.
