From the course: Negotiating Your Job Offer and Salary
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Frequently asked salary negotiation questions
From the course: Negotiating Your Job Offer and Salary
Frequently asked salary negotiation questions
- Now, before we wrap up this course, I want to go ahead and answer some questions from job seekers just like you on this particular topic around salary negotiations. - [Narrator] When my experience adds more than the number of years required in the job description, does it justify a higher salary? - Great question, I absolutely believe you can leverage that when you're justifying your salary request. So aim high, like I mentioned earlier, and bring that forth and see what they say. It doesn't hurt. - [Narrator] Do salary negotiations change when I'm working with a headhunter or staffing agency? - Mm, great question. So, yes, with a headhunter or third party staffing agency, they're going to ask you what you want to make, and this is not the time to deflect. They need to know your range so they can match you up with their clients, and the client already tells them what they're looking for, so they'll be able to present opportunities to you and not waste your time. - [Narrator] What if…
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