From the course: Operational Excellence Foundations

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Lean principles

Lean principles

- Remember the last time you were delayed, or when you made multiple trips to a customer work site? Or when you had to rework or redo a task? Or spend time, effort, and money to hurry up only to wait at the next step? Bottom line, let's just say what you've experienced is simply not lean. Lean can be viewed as a management philosophy, a mindset, a methodology, a tool set, or an approach to daily work. At it's core, it's all about minimizing wastes and maximizing value to customers. Value is what customers need and expect and are willing to pay for. This includes receiving the right products and services at a specified price, time, and place. For example, if you see an extra charge in your invoice because warehouse personnel spent five hours to look at your item, would you want to pay for that? Of course not! It is of no value to you. Waste is anything that is of no value or adds no value for customers. Waste comes in many forms. Eight types of waste have been identified. I know a guy…
