From the course: Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Fundamentals: 1 Cybersecurity Contexts

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Identify computing and networking trends

Identify computing and networking trends

- A lot has changed since I got into IT, and that's not going to stop anytime soon. Staying on top of computing and network trends is ever so important. Stay tuned and we'll help you out. - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. - Hey, everybody. Welcome to Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Fundamentals. I'm your host, Mike Rodrick, and with me is none other than Mr. Ronnie Wong. Hey, Ronnie. - Hello. Glad that we're actually here today taking a look at this idea of, of course, computing and network trends. Now, when we start talking about it, like you mentioned, it is different. The very fact is that in the networks that you and I got started in, and even the computers that you and I got started in, it is so different than the way that we're actually doing that right now. So, Mike, I'm going to kind of give a little bit of a question. Do you remember when you first started actually working on computers, and you…
