From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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Maybe = yes

Maybe = yes

- This next game is a game that I've noticed that my mum plays with me, and also some friends play with me, and it's called Maybe Equals Yes. So if my mum says, "Will you do this?" And I say, "Well, I'll see what I can do." She goes, "Okay," and she then treats that as a yes. But take an example with, say, some friends who live a long way away, and it's quite a hassle to visit them, and you just want to see them occasionally, but you don't want to tell them that they're not good enough friends to visit all the time. They'll say, "You will visit again soon, won't you?" And because you're polite, you say, "Oh yes, yes, we'll try and come again soon." And then a few months later they say, "But you promised you'd visit." So they're almost forcing you to be rude. They're forcing you to say, "Well yeah, I'm going to visit you, but only once a year, 'cause you live so far away and you're not worth it." So they either force you…
