From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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- The third way to look at assertiveness is that we tend to go towards either fight or flight in difficult situations. And this is because we're animals; it's a survival thing. So what we do, in order to survive in the jungle, we have adrenaline that pumps into our system. So let's say you're in the jungle and a crocodile suddenly come out. You've really only got two options. You either have to fight the crocodile or you've got to have flight, and you've got to run away from the crocodile. There's no third option of reasoning with the crocodile, of, "I understand you're a large carnivore, "however, I would like to retain possession of my leg. "Could we come to some arrangement?" That's not going to happen; it's fight or flight. So these are built into us and adrenaline pumps into our system to make us stronger at fighting or stronger at running away. And clearly, that's going to be a problem in an office when you're…
