From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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- The third game to look out for is a game called Blemish. And this is where somebody says, "She means well, but she's a bit slow," or, "He means well, he's just very driven, but he can sometimes be a bit scary." And, of course, the fact is really that he's a bully, but we're too scared to say so even behind his back. So what we're doing is we're criticizing somebody, but only for one small thing, and we're saying that apart from that they're fine. So we're pretending to be a rescuer, but actually we're persecuting you. So when we say, "He means well, but he's a bit slow," really we're just saying, "He's a bit slow," but we're hiding the persecute behind this aura of being a rescuer. And that's why it's called Blemish, 'cause it's only a small blemish that they've got, but that's the bit we're focusing on. So the games player sometimes will then add a bit and say, "Well, she means well, but she's a bit slow. If only she…
