From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

Dealing with psychological game players

- So welcome to this course on how to be assertive when you're dealing with difficult people such as games players. Games players are the most annoying and difficult people that there are. Most difficult people mean well, but they're just different to you, or they're a little bit incompetent. So, for example, they turn up late or they're disorganized. But games players are actively evil, actively messing with you and trying to upset you. Their only defense is they don't realize they're doing it, but still the effect is the same. They are annoying and baffling. And you find yourself saying, "Why is this person so infuriating?", and "What is he or she doing to me?" So on this course, we will look at the types of games that people play, why they play them and what you can do about them to defend yourself and to stay sane.
