From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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Gold stamp collector

Gold stamp collector

- Game number nine is related a little bit to the last game. We've just been looking at brown stamp collecting. This is gold stamp collecting, so similar to the brown stamp collectors who collect bad things, the gold stamp collectors collect good things. So they say, I did all this for you and I did this and I did this, please, can I have a pay rise? So they start off as helpful, being a rescuer, but then they want to reward. Moves from rescuer to persecute, so well, aren't you going to give me a pay rise for that? And it can easily turn to victim as well of, well, I did all this for you and I got nothing back in return, so I dunno why I bothered. So the gold stamp could become a brown stamp collector if they don't get their reward and it's quite insidious because, should you reward them? Because what it does is it stops bosses giving thanks and praise 'cause imagine if every time you thank somebody or praised them…
