From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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Let's you and them fight

Let's you and them fight

- The fourth game leads on from the third one, actually. So this leads on from Blemish quite often, and this is called Let's You and Them Fight. So this is where somebody says, "Oh, I can't believe he said that about you," or, "Just so you know that he's saying that about you," or, "You shouldn't put up with that, "you should sort him out." So if you think where this is on the triangle, if somebody says, you know, "He's saying bad things about you," they're basically saying, "He's persecuting you "and you're the victim. "I'm just the rescuer. "I'm just telling you what's going on. "And rather than be the victim, "you should be the persecutor, "you should persecute him back." So I'll give you a real-life example of this. I played in a band a while ago and the drummer was always late. And I think he was late because he had to load all his drums into his car and he never really allowed for that. So the time to load…
