From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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Live with it

Live with it

- Option number two when you find yourself in a game situation is to live with it comfortably. So rather than to walk away from the person or get that person out of your life, it's just to live with it and just to think, okay, they're a games player, but that's just how they are. And once you realize they're playing a game, it's no longer annoying. So I mentioned earlier on how, you know, when my neighbor comes around and says, "Ooh, I wouldn't have got those windows," my wife and I both know he's doing it. And we just nudge each other and go, "He's doing it again." And I almost look forward to him doing it, because it's amusing, we're onto him. It's no longer annoying. So you can just live with it comfortably. Now it's harder to do if it's in front of other people. And I mentioned earlier on the guy who was saying, "Ugh, engineers know nothing, and engineers have no idea of art." And in the end he actually went up a…
