From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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Mine's better

Mine's better

- This next game's called Mine's Better. And I mentioned earlier on, this was played by the daughter of my next door neighbor and she would go, "Oh, I've got the new one. "Mine's the one with the moving arms." And then when you become adult, the game goes up a level to, "Oh, you only got the two liter. "You should try the three liter sometime," or "Well, BMW's are all very well "but once you've tried a Porsche, you can never go back," or "Yes, we live in Budleigh Salterton. "It's very nice." So it's really a persecutor game, isn't it, I'm better than you. But they usually hide it with a little bit of rescuer advice, of "You should have a look at Budleigh "next time that you're thinking of moving, "even if you have to change down to a smaller house." Or sometimes they'll hide it with a little bit of victim of, "Yes, it is rather expensive, but we think it's worth it, "don't we, dear?" So clearly, the payoff is to feel…
