From the course: Persecutors, Victims, and Rescuers: How to Deal with Psychological Games Players

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- Congratulations, you finished my games players course. I hope you found it fascinating and amusing as well as really useful. I hope it's given you a window into what goes on in other people's minds and given you some strategies for how you're going to deal with those other people. So you can come back and refer to it as often as you, like, you can go and look at a particular game and just understand that, or you can go straight to the tactics and you can look at which tactic you're going to use on a particular games player that you have spotted. So I hope it's been really, really useful. Do linking to me as well. Just go to LinkedIn and look for Chris Croft and join up with me. That would be great. It's a way of keeping in touch. That would be nice. I do love to receive comments on what people thought and if you've applied any of this and it's been useful, then please do send me a LinkedIn message. I'd love to hear…
